
Showing posts from August, 2024

Summer 24 The Second Half

My last blog which covered the first half of the Summer recalled visiting exotic locations suck as Lisbon and Malaga. This second half of the summer blog is more of the same with tales of visits to exotic Dundalk and Claremorris. I did also manage a trip to London where some wages were pick up and a fruitless return to Bratislava. Bratislava I travelled to Bratislava in the middle of July. I can't seem to get a touch in this casino. I won't stop trying though. It was a great festival and I'll be returning for the Autumn Festival at the end of October.   I did play a live streamed cash game, It was good fun but I spent most of the game in a hole after losing a big pot early. I  eventually finish the game down small. Dundalk   The last weekend in July brought a trip to Dundalk for The Irish Poker Tours Northern Poker Festival. The main event was a €300 entry with €60,000 guaranteed prize pool. The guarantee was smashed again as is the norm with Irish Poker Tours Festivals and